When someone gets sick it makes you realize how short or how fast things can change in your life. The people that you care about the most can be gone in the blink of an eye. When my mom got the news that her cancer was back and the Doctors didn't call us back about her CT scan, all I could think of was, "Is this the last birthday my mom will be here for?", "Will she be here for Christmas?", etc. It scared me. I want her here for me and for my kids, is that selfish?? At times I feel very selfish...I want my mom, and I want her healthy, I want her to see my kids graduate from school, I want her here to see them get married, I want her here to see her great grandkids. Why am I being selfish??
I sit back and wonder what is she going through?? How hard is this going to be on her? Is she ever going to leave her house after she gets done with the surgery and heals? Will she feel comfortable emptying her bags out in public? My questions go on and on... I want her to be happy, healthy, and I want her to want to live. My Dad died before I was born, I was raised by my single mother. We lived with my Grandparents till I was 5, and then she bought her house (that she is still living in), we lived together for 3 years in our house till she married my step-dad. I feel that I got screwed...I never called my step-dad "Dad", he wasn't, my Dad was gone...I hated that. My mom is such a STRONG woman that I know she will get through all of this, she has gone through so much in her life...and it's not FAIR that she has to deal with all of this Cancer crap!!!
Why is cancer all around us? Why do we all know someone that has beat it, going through treatment, or has died because of it?? Why can't we predict the future?? I know a lot of these questions are open ended, and they don't have answers...I just wish someone could answer some of them!!! Hug, kiss and tell all of your loved ones that you LOVE them...you never know when you may not be able to say that again!! I love you all...my family and friends...I'm glad that I have you here in my life.
I understand all those feelings of the fear of losing your momma. 2 years ago, my mom was in the hospital dying from Legionnaire's disease. Amazingly, she pulled through. The disease changed her slightly, but am so grateful she is here. I want her to stay healthy AT LEAST till the kids can remember sharing memories with her. I want them to have their own memories of Ziza, NOT just what I tell them......I hope your mom is around for many more years and is happy and healthy after treatment. Thinking of ya
I too think of cancer often because my my husband had leukemia twice and my grandma lost her battle with pancreatic cancer.
I'm with you about predicting the future! I wonder many times when the monster called cancer will rear its ugly head in my life again. Thinking of you every day Kim....
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