Saturday, March 26, 2011

I'm still here!!

I know it's been a long time since I've posted...I'm sorry!!! Not a whole lot has been going on least it doesn't feel like it. :) Let's see...I will try to update!!

Me- I am now taking Wellbutrin to help with the depression. I think it is helping, but at times I still get pretty upset and cry a lot. :( I also am SO sleepy all the time...I don't know if that is part of the side effects or what...but there are days that I feel like I could sleep all day. My New Year's resolution is going well...I am sending notes/cards to important women in my life every day for the rest of the year. I am really enjoying this and have received some really nice letters from some really WONDERFUL women!!! I am hoping I make them smile...that is my goal. :) I still miss my Mom, however we talk about her usually daily and I am able to do it without crying each time. My mom is my best friend...granted I can't talk to her daily like I used to, but I still talk to her in heaven every day. My biggest fear is that my kids will forget who she was and not remember how much she loved them. How can I make sure that they will remember her forever??

Jason- he is doing well. Work is going well. He is leaving on Monday to head back to Champaign for a couple of days...and oh how I wish I was going with him!!! He is going to stay with my step-dad and Tuesday night he is going to go out with him to watch my sister and brother in law bowl. And I wish I was going to be there. I miss my sister a lot!!!

Bradley- still having trouble with school. Is failing 3 classes right now...however in 2 weeks he is going to start going to a Psychiatrist to get started on some medication to help with some issues. I hope it will help...he is struggling a lot.

Rebecca- started softball this week...and I got roped in to be her coach...gotta love that!! :) School is going great for her. She is such a smart little girl...she get so proud of herself when she does well. She is out playing pretty much everyday with the little girl 2 doors down...they have a great time together, which is really good.

James- started t-ball this week...and he is also looking forward to playing. He is doing well also. He loves Zoo School and I think he will be devastated when it ends for the year. We are going to sign him up for it again next year...which I have gone back and forth on if he needs more than just 2 days a week...we shall see. Kindergarten will be here before I know it. My baby can't be growing up!!!

Texas is OK. I still don't consider it "HOME". I know we made the right decision for our family...but just not sure it was the right decision for ME. Does that make sense?? I know in my heart that I could not be happy in Champaign without my Mom...but I miss my family so much it hurts. I really want to raise my family around family...and unfortunately now we are not. It kind of sucks!!!

My Mom's best friend and her daughter are coming next week for 6 days...I am VERY excited about that!! It is going to be so nice to have someone here. Then in May my Uncle and Aunt are coming to stay with us for about 3-4 days and then head to Waco for Eric's graduation. Then Jason and the kids are going to Vegas for his brothers wedding while James and I stay home. His parents and sister are coming for Becca's first communion on the 21st right after the is sure to be a fun time!!! Then we are all heading back to Champaign right around June 12th for Eric's wedding...and the kids and I will stay probably till the 4th of July. Busy, busy times around here!! I will try to get better about this blogging thing. :)

1 comment:

Carla said...

glad to see a post! I am always reading when a new post is up!
Glad you are doing okay.