Monday, December 7, 2009

Random O'Connor things

So, this past weekend Jason went up to Chicago for a meeting, and I stayed home with the kids. Friday night I took them to the mall, they love going there, so this was a treat. Becca loves eating at the Food Court, so we ate, rode the carousel, rode the escalator, saw Santa, and bought a couple of gifts. Quite an exciting night. Saturday we drove up to Gibson City and went to Strictly Kids to look for snow boots for Becca (I just can't pay $30 full price for a pair of boots that she will wear maybe 10 times). We ate lunch at McDonald's then came home to do some laundry, wrap some presents, etc. We went out for dinner at Culver's and ran to Rural King since we were out of dog food. Sunday we went to a Christmas party at the VFW. They had lunch and presents for the kids, so it was a fun/busy day. Went and visited my mom for a bit- she was down and out for the weekend with a flu bug (we think). Jason got home about 6:30 on Sunday, we went out for dinner with him and then home to put the kids to bed. This was one of the first weekends that I can remember that we had absolutely NOTHING to do...and man was it wonderful.

Today I went to Springfield with Mom for a followup. The Dr. said she can go back to work whenever she is ready...this was VERY exciting for her. I think she is planning on going back after the first of the year. Her job duties are going to have to change since she is not allowed to lift anything, and I hope they allow her to do this. We have to go back over on Friday to see the radiation oncologist so that they can go over radiation, what will happen, etc. She will do radiation here in Champaign, so that is a good thing. It will be about 6 weeks long, monday-friday, similar to what she did the last time. She is doing SO well, I am so impressed with her. She is an amazing person!!!

What is up with the kids...well Bradley is doing OK. He is doing OK in school...could be better, but you can't tell him anything. Becca is 6 going on 16. She drives me CRAZY most days, and her and I go round and round often. James is quite the talker. Nonstop talking all the time!!!

I go in on Thursday to have a mass looked at by the general surgeon...who knows maybe I will get surgery for Christmas!!! :) We'll see!!!

Not much else happening...sorry for the long delay in posts. :)

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